September 01, 2006

It's been a long time since my last post here. Up to all that app. 30 days of mute mode, I’ve got to throughout a lot of things that I don’t even know how difficult those works are. Even, I don’t even know how tired of my days yet to be noticed that I should be calm down by now. I don’t talk about my physical; my body’s or strengthens to be relaxed. All that I need to be watch out is my machinery mind. There’s an assignment that has been rejected for a 5 marks. There’s a class affair to be solved on. There’s also a college club matters to be cracked out. Hahaha… But if you were here with me all over the period, I don’t think you would notice that by my smiley happily or comical face that I’ve had. Ain’t no body would noticed that.
Since the last post, there are fewer activities but more works to be handles before all the submitted days’ turns on. My BSES1121 Cons. Eng. had destroyed my life once when my assignment has been refused for 5 marks out of 20 for the whole marks that the lecturer will gave then. That is only because I was submitted late yet still in his period of lecture. Now I knew how fuck the university are. After a power pull out from all over my effort, I’ve reached to complete the task by the submission date though there’s a few things to be improves on such as colored figures and page numbers. The moral of the story, don’t ever make a last minute work for the reason that it might be like what I have here.
On the 11th August, my mom’s birthday has taken place. I forgot about it until my sister send an SMS reminding me bout it. As a return, an SMS I’ve send instead of a card this year. My neighbor has also born a child, Aiman on that day. Next, my mum and dad had a great time begun couples of day later, when they left out for a week at Bangkok. I had a great time as well because I can easily going to class from home daily cause my dad has left his car here at Bangsar. Haa…
13th. I went to KLCC for a ‘window shopping’ at the PC Fair with Jun and Mat’P. After had a terrible time to way out from the expo, we went for Fauziah Latiff showcase on the night at Orange Club. Don’t laugh!! I had 4 complimentary tickets from X-Fresh. We’ve enjoyed MIX show as the opening act. Plus e-one and the most beautiful talented, Dewi was there too in featuring with MIX for a numbers of songs. I had a bad day because I forgot to wear shoes that time. As the solution, I wear Mat’P’s socks with my own sandal. It doesn’t enough different from the clowns you’ve ever saw. Hahaha… After about 3-4 songs of Fauziah Latiff, we left the club for dinner at Bangsar.
On the 17th, I met Jun again at Telawi. On the next day, Shidi, En and Nuzli took place at the same port with me. On the Saturday’s night, I went to Keramat to meet Mat’P. We had a great express delivered on dinner and we also went to Danau Kota on that night. I went there, again on the next Monday to met Jun and Mat’P again and again and again. Hahaha… Jun has also brought some rambutan for me that he took when he went back Johor on the last weekend. Saturday, 26th. Shidi gave a call, asked me to hang out. After arguing on each other ideas, we depart to Times Square at last. Mat’P was there too. We’ve enclosed a long chatting together at the Serambi and also had a great dinner watching M.U’s victory (again and again and again) at the ‘maple’ there.
The journey continues when I met my girl friends, Ayu and Aini at KLSentral on 1530, 28th August. Daia, Aini’s sister was there too to have a little period of gossips. That was just being the main agenda when we are somewhere together. We talk bout singers, ex-classmates, ex-lectures and peoples all over the world that require to be talked bout them. Hahaha… That’s us!
For a big and big reason, I should be glad to meet my best ever pal in my whole universe… Anua. We went out at 0100 that night to Uncle Don’s. All that we do was messaging each other using Yahoo Messenger! Believe me, we are just besides. We also exchanging our songs and video collection from our laptop and that’s it, we’ve done. It’s been a long time I doesn’t met him since he starts his degree at USM. I don’t want to talk bout my last fight with him… Nothings seem to be different, just the respect is getting more and more from the last time. He also shows me his China’s made MP4 and his integrated web-cam at his laptop as well. But the most ever careless thing he ALWAYS done happen again on the day’s he arrived here. His hand phone is missing somewhere after had meals with Lyza. No worry cause he borrowed his mom’s. We left our ‘still always here’ stall at 0500.
My lovely nephew, Shamir drop by on the night of 29th. Adib was here too and they look very happy when I’m giving them my Thomas & Friend collection. Every of my cousin said that I’m the father of both of them. That’s because they are more comfortable with me than the others. I love kids! To have one, I don’t think so… Ha! Not to forget. Rem’s come with Anjang and Syira and stays here for 4 days because he has some works to do at National S.16 S.Alam. There’s not much talk because he got tired every morning after a 3 days night shift at the factory.
Anua and I had a little odd principle where we never celebrate any national occasion together. Cause that is the time where we need to be with our own colleagues. It does always be like that. On the 30th, I have this TITAS class till 1900. So, I really don’t expect anything on that night. Where I’ll celebrate the national day? With whom I’ll hang out? I don’t know… It’s getting late when I reached home that day. Nobody’s answering my message. Guess they’re happy with what they’re doing huh? Don’t know… As the time running faster, I hang up the phone and call Zaki and Man to know where they’re at the moment. KLCC. Sucks! Is there any place than KLCC that crowded with a lot of foreigners in KL? I was absolutely getting mad with my entire friend. Yup, I noticed that I’ve no transport. So, I went to the LRT app. at 2130 and met them about 40min. later. They just sat in front of the Maxis with some of other friends. I don’t believe I’ll be there at KLCC, with six 19 years old boy that comes from the next college in UM. Wow! Of course I would felt angry to all of my ‘Poly-friends’. Nahh…it’s their rights with whom they wanted to hang out with… The best thing about these guys is they could get friend with me in about 12min. I guess? But it’s for real. They are friendly. And we’ve enjoy our fire-works on that night, had some supper at Pelita and ride ‘a 1 station earlier’ LRT from Ampang Park. At the end of the day, everything was so fine and I noticed that friend’s everywhere. It is not supposed to be the one who only know your name and where do you live...
Anua will get back real soon though he has about 3-4 days more for a study break. We went out on the 31st night to Puduraya to buy his ticket and then straight away to my college to pick up our Design log book that Fisha’s managed ‘to bring back home’ from Poly. While I’m searching for parking, we’ve both saw Pa’Leh, our former Poly classmate waiting for someone. At my college? Curious! With his fool faces ever, he acts, as he doesn’t even notice us coming there. After short words, we knew that he wanted to meet Fisha and Nury at the college because Fisha’s asking for a CD-R from him. Hmm… talking bout Nury. She came to UM couple of hour before the Merdeka celebration. She was there too at KLCC with Fisha when I was celebrating the night with my friend. But we never met till Pa’Leh came. Right after a ‘site visits’ by Nua at my room, we went down to meet 3 of them and we’ve chat, laugh and all that gossip² things. What a Poly without gossips? Hahaha… Never think to have a short class reunion at my college. Nevertheless, it was quite happy to see those guys. Nury’s getting fatter, Pa’leh’s is just happy with his newly bought necklace. Hah.
So, I went to Ikea’s Mc’D with Nua after the conversation that night. He spends for my double cheese and we have last called chatting before he went back to his university on the next day. With no cigars in my pocket, we hang out and share some file in our laptop. But this time, there’s no more Yahoo Messengers because there’s no free Internet provider available. Hahaha… It is obvious that we’ll hang out until it is just before the sunrise up. That was a great moment there and I wish that we both could hang out next time.
Those days, Sharin, E, Gee, Lan, Amai, Dayah were messaging me. Yesterday, Kree has messaged me. Today, Dzul has calling me. Adib and Ad always there in my Yahoo Messengers! Mas called my mum last 2 days. I’ve called Erny, Didy, Zana and Kak Mar talking bout Intan’s operation in this month. That’s right after I knew bout it from her mother. I’ve also called Tam. Not forget, Ros and Nurul by using Internet call. Amnor and Daniel SMS’s me some time. Mein asked for ‘add’ at friendster page. I don’t want to talk bout my UM course mate and my college mate. You know something? Friends are always there for us. We always think that we only have a few best friends but when we took a step behind and remember all these guys, it’s amazing and every one of them brings their own memorable moments with us. For me, you can buy for a ‘girlfriend’, but to have those friends that will accompany you along this long journey ahead, it’s priceless. At the end of the day, we will notice all this. Till then, Assalammualaikum.
Since the last post, there are fewer activities but more works to be handles before all the submitted days’ turns on. My BSES1121 Cons. Eng. had destroyed my life once when my assignment has been refused for 5 marks out of 20 for the whole marks that the lecturer will gave then. That is only because I was submitted late yet still in his period of lecture. Now I knew how fuck the university are. After a power pull out from all over my effort, I’ve reached to complete the task by the submission date though there’s a few things to be improves on such as colored figures and page numbers. The moral of the story, don’t ever make a last minute work for the reason that it might be like what I have here.
On the 11th August, my mom’s birthday has taken place. I forgot about it until my sister send an SMS reminding me bout it. As a return, an SMS I’ve send instead of a card this year. My neighbor has also born a child, Aiman on that day. Next, my mum and dad had a great time begun couples of day later, when they left out for a week at Bangkok. I had a great time as well because I can easily going to class from home daily cause my dad has left his car here at Bangsar. Haa…
13th. I went to KLCC for a ‘window shopping’ at the PC Fair with Jun and Mat’P. After had a terrible time to way out from the expo, we went for Fauziah Latiff showcase on the night at Orange Club. Don’t laugh!! I had 4 complimentary tickets from X-Fresh. We’ve enjoyed MIX show as the opening act. Plus e-one and the most beautiful talented, Dewi was there too in featuring with MIX for a numbers of songs. I had a bad day because I forgot to wear shoes that time. As the solution, I wear Mat’P’s socks with my own sandal. It doesn’t enough different from the clowns you’ve ever saw. Hahaha… After about 3-4 songs of Fauziah Latiff, we left the club for dinner at Bangsar.
On the 17th, I met Jun again at Telawi. On the next day, Shidi, En and Nuzli took place at the same port with me. On the Saturday’s night, I went to Keramat to meet Mat’P. We had a great express delivered on dinner and we also went to Danau Kota on that night. I went there, again on the next Monday to met Jun and Mat’P again and again and again. Hahaha… Jun has also brought some rambutan for me that he took when he went back Johor on the last weekend. Saturday, 26th. Shidi gave a call, asked me to hang out. After arguing on each other ideas, we depart to Times Square at last. Mat’P was there too. We’ve enclosed a long chatting together at the Serambi and also had a great dinner watching M.U’s victory (again and again and again) at the ‘maple’ there.
The journey continues when I met my girl friends, Ayu and Aini at KLSentral on 1530, 28th August. Daia, Aini’s sister was there too to have a little period of gossips. That was just being the main agenda when we are somewhere together. We talk bout singers, ex-classmates, ex-lectures and peoples all over the world that require to be talked bout them. Hahaha… That’s us!
For a big and big reason, I should be glad to meet my best ever pal in my whole universe… Anua. We went out at 0100 that night to Uncle Don’s. All that we do was messaging each other using Yahoo Messenger! Believe me, we are just besides. We also exchanging our songs and video collection from our laptop and that’s it, we’ve done. It’s been a long time I doesn’t met him since he starts his degree at USM. I don’t want to talk bout my last fight with him… Nothings seem to be different, just the respect is getting more and more from the last time. He also shows me his China’s made MP4 and his integrated web-cam at his laptop as well. But the most ever careless thing he ALWAYS done happen again on the day’s he arrived here. His hand phone is missing somewhere after had meals with Lyza. No worry cause he borrowed his mom’s. We left our ‘still always here’ stall at 0500.
My lovely nephew, Shamir drop by on the night of 29th. Adib was here too and they look very happy when I’m giving them my Thomas & Friend collection. Every of my cousin said that I’m the father of both of them. That’s because they are more comfortable with me than the others. I love kids! To have one, I don’t think so… Ha! Not to forget. Rem’s come with Anjang and Syira and stays here for 4 days because he has some works to do at National S.16 S.Alam. There’s not much talk because he got tired every morning after a 3 days night shift at the factory.
Anua and I had a little odd principle where we never celebrate any national occasion together. Cause that is the time where we need to be with our own colleagues. It does always be like that. On the 30th, I have this TITAS class till 1900. So, I really don’t expect anything on that night. Where I’ll celebrate the national day? With whom I’ll hang out? I don’t know… It’s getting late when I reached home that day. Nobody’s answering my message. Guess they’re happy with what they’re doing huh? Don’t know… As the time running faster, I hang up the phone and call Zaki and Man to know where they’re at the moment. KLCC. Sucks! Is there any place than KLCC that crowded with a lot of foreigners in KL? I was absolutely getting mad with my entire friend. Yup, I noticed that I’ve no transport. So, I went to the LRT app. at 2130 and met them about 40min. later. They just sat in front of the Maxis with some of other friends. I don’t believe I’ll be there at KLCC, with six 19 years old boy that comes from the next college in UM. Wow! Of course I would felt angry to all of my ‘Poly-friends’. Nahh…it’s their rights with whom they wanted to hang out with… The best thing about these guys is they could get friend with me in about 12min. I guess? But it’s for real. They are friendly. And we’ve enjoy our fire-works on that night, had some supper at Pelita and ride ‘a 1 station earlier’ LRT from Ampang Park. At the end of the day, everything was so fine and I noticed that friend’s everywhere. It is not supposed to be the one who only know your name and where do you live...
Anua will get back real soon though he has about 3-4 days more for a study break. We went out on the 31st night to Puduraya to buy his ticket and then straight away to my college to pick up our Design log book that Fisha’s managed ‘to bring back home’ from Poly. While I’m searching for parking, we’ve both saw Pa’Leh, our former Poly classmate waiting for someone. At my college? Curious! With his fool faces ever, he acts, as he doesn’t even notice us coming there. After short words, we knew that he wanted to meet Fisha and Nury at the college because Fisha’s asking for a CD-R from him. Hmm… talking bout Nury. She came to UM couple of hour before the Merdeka celebration. She was there too at KLCC with Fisha when I was celebrating the night with my friend. But we never met till Pa’Leh came. Right after a ‘site visits’ by Nua at my room, we went down to meet 3 of them and we’ve chat, laugh and all that gossip² things. What a Poly without gossips? Hahaha… Never think to have a short class reunion at my college. Nevertheless, it was quite happy to see those guys. Nury’s getting fatter, Pa’leh’s is just happy with his newly bought necklace. Hah.
So, I went to Ikea’s Mc’D with Nua after the conversation that night. He spends for my double cheese and we have last called chatting before he went back to his university on the next day. With no cigars in my pocket, we hang out and share some file in our laptop. But this time, there’s no more Yahoo Messengers because there’s no free Internet provider available. Hahaha… It is obvious that we’ll hang out until it is just before the sunrise up. That was a great moment there and I wish that we both could hang out next time.
Those days, Sharin, E, Gee, Lan, Amai, Dayah were messaging me. Yesterday, Kree has messaged me. Today, Dzul has calling me. Adib and Ad always there in my Yahoo Messengers! Mas called my mum last 2 days. I’ve called Erny, Didy, Zana and Kak Mar talking bout Intan’s operation in this month. That’s right after I knew bout it from her mother. I’ve also called Tam. Not forget, Ros and Nurul by using Internet call. Amnor and Daniel SMS’s me some time. Mein asked for ‘add’ at friendster page. I don’t want to talk bout my UM course mate and my college mate. You know something? Friends are always there for us. We always think that we only have a few best friends but when we took a step behind and remember all these guys, it’s amazing and every one of them brings their own memorable moments with us. For me, you can buy for a ‘girlfriend’, but to have those friends that will accompany you along this long journey ahead, it’s priceless. At the end of the day, we will notice all this. Till then, Assalammualaikum.
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
4 kritikan & komentar:
how dare u didn`t put my name.. even a shoftform.. bullshit!! hahaa.. priceless huh!! finished ur word with "for whom i`m not mention pls forgive me k! maybe u`ll meet ur name in another section" F**k oFF!!!!!!
Mr. Kaprang,
Thanks for your comment. I've notice that you arent satisfied with my blog with no name of yours. As you can see, the last SMS you send are discussing about 'should i or shouldn't i'. That is not the main major in the term of DEALOVA.So, you must be thankful because i choose you as my counselor for my personal problem. That is not within everybody's information. You should be thankful, Mr.Kaprang. Next time, i'll only write your name in my blog. All about you. When do you want me to post it? Hahaha.. stupid buffalo!
stupid buffalo me or u.. shouldn`t i mention that i`ve been talking bout what? i`m talking bout Post Of The Month lo.. not bout DEALOVA.. at the last para, u didn`t mention even a single alphabelt that show it`s me.. should or shouldn`t i wait for a couple of hours or days for u to view my name.. hahaa.. afterall dont low my profile! wakakaka.. satisfied huh!!
Hi anonymous (11:18AM)
Shidi! I did mention your name here. Right now.. Haha.. A special wallpaper for you dude at my latest post.. A contribution for those who gains RM1K per month. Haha.. Thanks dude for your loyalty!
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