September 13, 2006

Hi there! I’m really glad that finally I’ve come back to my college. You noticed that I don’t really like to live here, in the cell, but the internet provided for the entire student make me wanna stay more and more. I got nothing to say right now, just to let you know that I’m really sick with all the assignment and test that been given this week. All sucks! Though there’s lot of grouping assignment, but we’re not have a chance to meet each others often except in class. And I don’t like to be the group leader cause it makes all my team mates to hope something will come out from me, always. Argghhh!! All I got is my remedy... My cure that makes me relaxes and feels free. The one and only, Siti Nurhaliza. Uwaaaaa!!! Till then guys! I got a class @5pm. Better get sleep in the class. Assalammualaikum.
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
6 kritikan & komentar:
dah la tu dak kawin la..
tak payah la ko nak lagi kat die...
klao die nak kat ko mesti ct dah pilih ko punyer..haha..
dengan bangganya aku nk katakan yg aku.....BENCI SITI NURHALIZA!!!!
Hi anonymous (01:22PM)
It must be you, Mas! I don't care a thing bout what you said! Haha i live for siti and siti's live for me! Waaa....
Hi anonymous (02:14PM)
I head siti nur aliza!
TQ for your comment!
city is the most expensive .tut.tut. wakakak..
hi anonymous (12:33PM)
that's just the right answer, dude!
wakakaka.... hahaha
laa.. perasan la sangt siti tu live for u..
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