August 16, 2006

1057 - take LRT..
1112 - arghhh... i'm stucked wif mc'd's staff @ KLS
1129 - reached BB..
1132 - been morked by StarHill security cos taking pics. F**k the foreigners..
1200 - the Samsung kiosk opened..
1300 - take LRT to Raja Chulan.. Wisma Genting.
1345 - go back home...
1450 - Sri Hartamas for KristalBond. Office's moving.. dun know where.. F**k again!
1520 - go back home..
1700 - go back college..
2000 - watched mock trial @ fac. of Law.. the best ever show i've seen..
2300 - KPS for dinner @ feskum
0100 - thinking bout my journey all day long...
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
3 kritikan & komentar:
amboi amboi amboi BI berterabur konon....aku tgk terer je... mengalahkan engineer kat INTEL (tp still tak bleh lawan aku la) haha poyo nyer
oittt nama aku tarak ka taruh la...
rasa mcm nak turun kl nengok ko tapi malas la...zzzZZzz mcm nak tido je tgk muka ko..
pesal muka ko pun berterabur????
aper la.......
semua duk tulis bi. payah nak paham.
giler la woi.
Hi anonymous (01:18AM)
Thanks for your comment. Maznan right? I'll bring some of our story at SMTI soon. Maybe your name will be appear too. Remind me. Is there anything in my face?
Hi anonymous (04:58PM)
Tam! ala, baca r dalam bi sikit2. Haha.. bile lagi nak baca dlm bi. Ha, ni kali pertama aku tuleh dlm bm tuk ko.. Khas.. Haha
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