October 04, 2006

There’s a lil thing I hope that I will never forget through this 22nd years of my life. I remember when I was 12 on that moment where I was geared up to school on that drizzling Saturday. I have to conduct training with my school band members since I was the president of the club for the St. Michael Institution (Primary 2), Ipoh. I walk to school, just bout 2km from my house through the magistrate court of Ipoh and Ipoh Royal Club shortcut. After a few minutes, I walk with a turning back head walking the pedestrians. And accidentally, I was hit by this big palm tree. It’ll look like joke for you guys, but I feel wanna faint after the incident. But I strengthen myself to walk for school though I felt quite terrible that time. Reached at the library, where we all used to have the training session, my friend told me bout something red coming out of my nose. I guess it’s nothing. So, I wipe my nose with my finger and shocked to saw this thick liquid on my right nose. Damn! I just wash over my face at toilet and starting back the training a few minutes later. I went back home and wondering what was happen just now. I told my mum and we thought that it just normal if our body get highly warm sometimes. Shortly, the episode happens again and again. I referred myself to Ipoh GH, and get the treatment more often when it get more serious. And once I remembered all of my lifetime where I was just on my way to class, when my whole uniform was in red colour. I am so afraid… What’s turn out? Did something happen? As what I’ve been told by the ENT specialist, there’s a nerve inside my nose shred after the incident. Weird, huh? I don’t think there’s a better explanation from me by that case. I’ve been asked for blood test. I don’t scare at all for bloods. But to take it out of my body using a big needle, wow, that’s scary dude! I remember once when I was asked to give my blood to examine, the attendant has loose my blood tube somewhere. Hooo… Since that, I never walk alone to take blood test. Haha… That’s the fact. It became a phobia. Not the blood, but the injection. As the problems getting a lil’ serious, the doc has decides to closed the blood nerve. I was already live in KL at the moment when I had to return back to Ipoh for examine, in fact I was 17. It’s a 5 years story. The doctor’s has put in his 4 inches steel camera inflexible inside my nose, look out the spot on the nerve skins. He then, winds cottons on the top of a stick, soak it into chemical and burn it with a small fire and lastly heat up the nerve with the cottons. Uhhh… If you know how it feels… The episode of the story doesn’t end there; it will come once a year. Sometime I had to receive blood from the hospital. It makes me feel that, how much of my bloods wasted. I don’t ever think to donate my blood somewhere all this days… To read the news that the NBC needs A and B bloods for this festive season, I start to think what I’m doing to these people. I don’t try at all to donate, but in the same time I have start to receive bloods from someone else. It’s the time for me to move on. Though I’m in O category, I finally make a decision to make a blood donation soon. We always kept thinking the others contribution for us, what about us…
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
2 kritikan & komentar:
wey aryl...!!!!
tataw r na tulis pe..
da r, chow...!!!
wei..aku dh 5 kali derma darah..ok je..rs cam buat suatu perkara yg dpt m'bantu org lain dlm kesusahan..xkan ko xleh nk derma darah cam aku kot..bila lg ha??xkn takut tgk jarum kot..chicken la lu..BTW, my blood type is "B"..huhu... ^_^
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