The last thursday was a great moment for some of us. We have a great time spending @ MidValley. It was started when i was talking to Saufi and Qisti bout my college bowling selection,last Tuesday. It was as lightning when we decided to invite our classmate to join for a bowling session. So, we when to MidValley on the 3rd last week @ 1300. We are having fun there with a single game for each of us.Our members attend...
It was enjoyable. The best part is, when Yusman starts to 'spin' the bowl for the first frame. We does'nt know that he has no experience at all for the bowling. Haha.. for your info, he came from Belaga, Sarawak. What do you expect? He only get his first in his lifetime bowling score on the third frame. Fateen was there to make we all laughed for about 10min. nonstop. Haha.. Have you ever saw someone who was only 'bout 45kg weight and 130cm height, bring a 14lbs bowl? What do you expect once again? She was lucky 'cos she dropped the bowl only a few inches from her feet before she could trown the bowl on the lane. Haha.. What a girl...

Then, we only had about 15min. for a movie after the session. We watched a hilarious comic legend fighting action movie, the Dragon Tiger Gate. I was quite weird 'cos why chinese movie? I remember when the last time i watched chinese movie @ cinema. It was Sammy Cheng's film, 'Married to a rich man'. It was a very lovely movie. But action movie, in Chinese? Hmm.. But then, i was very suprised that the movie just took me 'bout 5min. to make me impressed of the opening act, the graphics, the props... obviously i was attracted with the whole movie now.
After the 95min. slot of movie's, we'r gone for the delicious KFC downstairs. We had our dinner and have a lil' window shopping before went back to college @ 1930. That's how my 19 years friends and me,myself fuel up our day's @ Mid Valley.