February 24, 2009
Bahan-bahan: 1/2 kg siput sedut, dipotong hujung dan dicuci bersih 1 cawan air 1 helai daun kunyit 3 keping asam gelugur 300 g sayur keladi, dibuang kulit dipotong kecil kemudian direbus sehingga empuk 3 cawan santan
Bahan kisar: 5 biji bawang merah 3 cm kunyit hidup 2 camca kecil udang kering 1 1/2 cm belacan Cara membuat: 1. Masukkan siput yang sudahdibersihkan ke dalam periuk beserta air, daun kunyit, asam gelugur, sayur keladi dan bahan kisar. 2. Masak sehingga mendidih kemudian masukkan santan dan garam. Kecilkan api dan kacau selalu. 3. Selepas masak angkat dan hidangkan untuk berbuka atau bersahur.
Sesungguhnya tidak akan ada dapur itu lagi, gas itu lagi. Musnah.roboh.rebah ke bumi... Mangkuk dan pinggan dijinjing ke barkzah, selami agama, menghirup ajaran Allah. Aku merindui, aku mengasihi. Besar sungguh ujianMu Ya Allah. Menarik roh dikala gelak tawa masih kedengaran...
Sesungguhnya Allah, dari Kau kami datang, kepadaMu jua kami kembali.
Terima Kasih atas peluangMu Ya Allah, memberi hambaMu peluang untuk dikasihi.
Ibu Saudaraku, Allahyarhamah Rokiah Bt. Ramli 1953-2009
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hukhaireel hazim hezatch
November 04, 2008
Gusar mahu menjawab Dalam bentuk apa, semuanya nampak salah Agar fasih lidah berbicara Agar celik mata memandang Agar tak tuli telinga mendengar
Semua tertanya, semua tertawaitu sekarang Semua terkejut, semua marahitu nanti
Melingkari seluruh minda untuk mencari satu penyelesaian. Mata-mata yang makin jelik memandang dan bahu-bahu tak mampu memikul. Dicampak ke sana, ke sini... bagai satu habuk yang singgah di bulu mata. AKU BOSAN AKU MALAS MEMIKIRKAN Argghhhhhhhh Tapi, sedari tanggungjawab Aku yang mulakan Aku perlu akhiri 1000 pintu, 1003 aku hunuskan jawapan Amarahku tentukan masa.tempat.siapa
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
November 03, 2008
Musuh depan mata Baik.Sopan.Luluh hati berkawan
Kawan belakang kepala Geram.Sial.Naik darah berkawan
Siapa yang aku patut gaul dalam lipatan pergaduhan Siapa yang aku patut kikis dalam lipatan persahabatan Siapa yang aku patut jadi untuk menjadi seorang sahabat Siapa yang aku patut wujudkan dalam aku untuk menjadi aku
Aku serik mencari sahabat Resah menjadi seorang sahabat
Aku akar, kau pucuk Aku garam, kau gula Aku pelita, kau mentol Aku tahu, kau alpa...
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
November 01, 2008
Mengorak langkah dalam gelap gelita Tanpa asap pelita aku melangkah
aku fobia pada FOKUS aku sukar untuk menerima FOKUS orang pada aku aku adalah aku aku adalah telus dulu aku FOKUS, kini aku sedar
Peluang untuk menamatkan kontrak ini sudah tiba Aku akan melangkah dalam gelap Biar senang tak dilihat orang Biar tak malu dek impak yang mendatang Sabar dan jujur Kunci keja.ya.annya
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
October 27, 2008
500 gm daging batang pinang 30 gm ubi kentang 10 gm bawang merah 10 gm cili padi 5 gm bawang putih 5 gm halia 5 gm kunyit hidup | 5 gm buah keras 2 biji asam limau(ambil air) 1 biji kelapa(ambil santan) 2 batang serai 1 helai daun kunyit 2 sudu minyak masak | Cara: | Halia,bawang putih,serai & bawang merah ditumbuk,perap dgn daging yg telah dibahagikan kpd 4 bhgn.Panggang daging separuh masak.Cili padi,buah keras, serai,bawang merah & bawang putih ditumbuk.Tumiskan bahan2 tadi hingga terbit baunya.Masukkan perahan air limau serta santan & garam secukup rasa. Daging panggang tadi dihiris & masukkan ke dlm kuah berserta ubi kentang. Masukkan daun kunyit,kacau hingga masak.
Sesungguhnya tidak akan ada mangkuk itu lagi, pinggan itu lagi. Hilang.pecah.retak. Mangkuk dan pinggan dijinjing ke barkzah, selami agama, menghirup ajaran Allah. Aku merindui, aku mengasihi.
Sesungguhnya Allah, dari Kau kami datang, kepadaMu jua kami kembali.
Terima Kasih atas peluangMu Ya Allah, memberi hambaMu peluang untuk dikasihi.
Ibu Saudaraku, Allahyarhamah Rojaah Bt. Ramli 1957-2008
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
October 25, 2008

kerana apa yang pasti, aku kini kian lumpuh tidak mampu beranjak.terbang.melayang
kepak usaha tanpa tenaga, kaki melangkah makin berundur
10 datang menggenggam lautan, sezarah air tidak ada pada 1
hendak hitung sezarah, dosa pahala lagikan dikira
hidup ibaratkan membuat seruling tapi tiada bernada
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
October 23, 2008
Lepasi semua tanggungjawab Usah pandang belakang Keraskan kepala Angkat kaki
dan kalau LUKA yang kupilih, pihak lain yang terluka.
Pening fikir segala masalah. Aku.kelas.teater.
Fokus lebih pada kawan-kawan. Itu yang aku suka. Aku mencari sahabat lama. Rendah diri, budi pekerti. Jujur, ikhlas dalam persahabatan. Yang ada .d.u.s.t.a.
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
October 20, 2008
New? Sangat?
It was a part of me feel really excited to know more about the relationship, but part of it felt really guilty on what i've done lately. In only 7 days, my head keep thinking bout the same situation that i've been through.
Bayangkan. Gunakan medium kamu, telefon dan dia.
Kamu menggunakan telefon, setiap hari. Dalam keadaan bosan, kamu terus menggunakan telefon untuk menghubungi dia. Kamu ditatang dan kamu dijaga dengan baik. Kamu suka. Kamu gembira.
Kamu di kelas, berjumpa dia. Berdepan dan rasa biasa. Kawan. Kamu tidak percaya itu adalah dia di dalam telefon. Kamu rasa sangat biasa dan tidak mempunyai perasaan istimewa.
Sekarang apa yang kamu suka sebenarnya? Aku suka apa sebenarnya? Dia atau keadaan berhubung dengannya? Aku keliru, tapi aku dah melangkah jauh. SILAP...
Aku mengambil keputusan untuk mengorak langkah ke tahap seterusnya pada waktu aku suka akan keadaan. Namun efek yang menimpa, jatuh tepat pada si dia. Aku suka situasi 1, tapi aku bertindak untuk menyukai situasi 2.
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
April 24, 2007
 azim's handphone that has provided me calls and messages for a couple of month behind...
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
There's no other words than "FABOLOUS" for this Good Charlotte show on last Saturday, located at the Carpark A, Bukit Jalil. Though i was quite suprise, when i got the tix for the performance from MTV, but it was finally dissapeard after this 4 hours of gig performing by the Good Charlotte, and their opening act of One Buck Short, Estranged and the orang bodoh, Lo! I was there with Azim, Shidi and Nad. The crowd was supportively maniac for the GC, but not me actually.. haha i was not one of the fan, but hey, who cares.. now i am... Terima Kasih MTV!
It was the second time for my history with the legend MTV.. my shout out was there in the Pop Inc. last month too...
MTV LIVE! featuring Good Charlotte will be air on 12th May 2007, C71 at 2100
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
April 08, 2007
Hmm.. Marriage is something difficult to be explaining on how risk it is and how long it is to be handle. To be in their shoes that already through those magical moments, ohh damn much great. I give a 110% salutes of respect to them. From now on, it’s getting harder to think what would be the biggest challenge to live in a family and to keep maintain all those happiness from the suspicious arguments we have before and of course, the financial problem will be totally mess up your smoothness of the tie that you knot before. Child will soon come. Your parent-in-law will make sure you do the best for their grandchild. Your mind keeps thinking for the house rent, the meals for your couple, and your work at office and those bills at the dining table. It seems like its easy enough to handle all those problems but will you energized enough to push all those unexpected difficulty? Imagine that your child’s crying at 4 in the morning while you have just sleep 3 hours before after solving your office work that you bring down to home. You wake up to see what’s happen in your baby’s room. Guest the child need to be exchange the diapers. You’ve changed it but he/she keep crying. You go downstairs to make a bottle of milk for him/her. Oh.. It would be much stress if your couple silent on the bed, selfish to look after the child, even to stare for sure. What a terrible night! Don’t you think it will be easily on the next morning? What happen if the child keep crying and crying but you don’t know what the solution is? Ill? Or maybe they want something to make them laughing? Huh.. That’s a lot of problem there! The most things that you are taking into seriously in this matter is the communication between you and your pair. You must try to keep positive at all time and to keep telling the truth about all the things that happen. Pursue the marriage at the comfort zone at all time, plus you may expose something new for your partner every day. Make them knew you better no matter its good or bad, as long you know you honest in this relationship. Make decision by two thought, and maintain the principle of ‘win win’ and you may find the best in every little part of the memory. All those words in this post, I exclusively delivered to my dearest friend, Erni Hayati. May bless be with you and hubby along your marriage, my dear! Sorry that I can’t make it there that day... But I am truly deeply madly, salutes on you both for the dedication and the trustiness on each other to make marriage a simple little thing to you. Uwaahh.. want to cry, liao.. To all my friend in SMTI, I miz u all in every of my breath! C ya in July!
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
April 05, 2007
Serius, hari ni mmg pnat gile sbb leh katakn aku dpt tido around 4 hours a day since the last 3 days. sume sbb those craziest subject eva, I.Project! huwaa it's kinda out of my mind when d sem started last 2 month n now i'm preparing my self 4 d exam again! watdafuck! all my energy are getting low, my moral down.. even now i'm not energized enuf to continue wif this blog... till tommorow guys.. gonna have smoke, n take my sleep along to my bed.. chow!
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
March 28, 2007

"The state government is in the final stage of launching the free service for the whole of Ipoh by the end of the year. God willing, this September, people and visitors in Ipoh can surf the Internet for free in the city via long-range Wifi technology that we have dubbed Wireless Perak @ Ipoh," he added.Taken from Bernama.com
This is what Hasan Nawawi Abdul Rahman, Mayor of Ipoh have just said a few days ago. So, why you wanna spend all your money to the Starbucks company for a Wifi services in Ipoh? Don't need to do that anymore with a 'giant WiFi' that provided by the Perak Goverment. Residents within five km of the city council would have wireless access by the end of the year (starting on this September guys!). He said the move was in line with plans to put Ipoh, one of Malaysia's biggest cities, at the forefront of wireless access.
This is also a part of (Perak state chief) Mohamad Tajol Rosli Ghazali's goal to make Ipoh the first city in Malaysia to go wireless by the end of the year. Hasan said city hall would build a tower to send the signal for wireless access so that people with laptops could surf anywhere, even their cars, the newspaper reported. With this service, people in Ipoh can get the latest news and information anywhere, anytime. What a damn great!! About 400,000 people will be able to access the service, which was expected to be covered by a one-off fee less than the cost of a local phone call.
I can't wait any more longer to bring my laptop to Ipoh just to surf with the most fabulous present to the community by the Ipoh council! I heard that they are now 75% ready for the launch. Just wait and see, how it will be... For me, more people, more harder! It's obvious in U.M...huhu
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
March 27, 2007

Trophy Tour reaches Malaysia The football-loving people of Malaysia will get to see the UEFA Champions League trophy at close quarters this week as the hallowed silverware goes on display in Kuala Lumpur between today and Sunday. Malaysian interest The European Champion Clubs' Cup is on the penultimate stage of its six-week Asian tour. As locals flock to have their pictures taken with the coveted prize as it is displayed in city centres from Tokyo to Jakarta, nowhere will it have attracted more attention than in Malaysia. The UEFA Champions League is regularly followed by 3.4 million Malaysians, who have already enjoyed over 200 hours of Europe's most prestigious football competition on free to air television channels and a further 200 hours on pay TV this season.
Widespread appeal "The popularity of the UEFA Champions League in Malaysia is underlined by the fact that over half the population is interested in the UEFA Champions League," revealed Michele Centenaro, UEFA's head of club competitions. "This is testament to the substantial amount of UEFA Champions League football screened on TV here in Malaysia."
Increasing awareness
Commenting on the UEFA Champions League Trophy Tour, Philippe Le Floc'h, UEFA's marketing and media rights director, added: "Awareness levels for the UEFA Champions League in Europe have now reached record highs of 90 per cent, but although awareness for the tournament outside Europe is strong at 76 per cent, our challenge is to expand the competition's profile to the same level beyond Europe's borders."
According to recent research, interest in football is actually higher on average in Asia (62 per cent) than Europe (55 per cent), while in Malaysia football is the most popular sport with interest levels in the UEFA Champions League having attained 59 per cent.
'Holy Grail' a hit in Asia
The UEFA Champions League is seen as the holy grail by the world's leading footballers - and Asian fans are currently being given the chance to view the trophy at close range.
Six-week tour
The European Champion Clubs' Cup, which has been contested for 52 years by this continent's finest teams and players, was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia over the weekend as part of a six-week Asian tour, presented by sponsors Heineken. The silverware has previously thrilled fans in Japan and Indonesia, and will end its tour in Thailand with visits to Bangkok (30 March-1 April) and Pattaya (6-8 April) next month.
Malaysian interest
The UEFA Champions League is regularly followed by 3.4 million Malaysians, who have viewed more than 200 hours of Europe's most prestigious club tournament on free-to-air television and a further 200 hours on pay TV this season. This reflects the fervour for football in Asia, where the game is attracting even more interest than its traditional hotbed of Europe, according to recent polls.
'Recognised by everybody'
'UEFA's marketing and media rights director Philippe Le Floc'h reflected on the aura of the UEFA Champions League trophy. "I grew up with the trophy," he said. "It is one of the oldest trophies in football, and is recognised by everybody. It is such an important trophy for the players - it symbolises the ultimate peak for all great footballers. They see the trophy as something sacred, as the holy grail. And that is exactly why we have brought it to Asia - to allow fans to come close to this ultimate football prize."
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
March 23, 2007
saja bosan2 pastu letak gmba ni.. hmm.. aku x tau amnde nk tulis lgi, so aku ltak lyric lgu ct nih. actually ths song has bn d ultimat ct's indonesia songs eva. this song was written by Melly Goeslow,n she hs composed d song s well. I luv d song, so do Wanie.. k,Pastikan...
Senilagu: Melly Goeslaw Senikata: Melly Goeslaw
(1) Lihatlah Langit Di Atas Sana Tersenyum Melihat Tingkah Kita Selalu Ada Peristiwa Yang Membawa Pertengkaran
(2) Maksudku Hanya Ingin Yang Baik Untuk Kita Berdua Dalam Bercinta Baiknya Aku Buruknya Aku Terimalah Aku Apa Adanya
(Chorus) Pastikan Kau Dengan Aku Jangan Ada Cinta Lain Tak Pernah Aku Terlintas Niat Ku Untuk Berpaling
Maafkanlah Aku Sayang Bila Belum Kau Bahagia Sejauh Langit Di Atas Kan Ku Kejar Bahagiamu
(3) Biar Langit Dan Bumi Meruntuh Biar Jasad Kita Tertimbun Di Sana Tetap Bersama, Tak Ingin Lepas Mencintaimu Ku Jadi Begini
Ulang Chorus
Music Bridge
Ulang Chorus (2X) & (3)
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
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