April 24, 2007
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hukhaireel hazim hezatch
constantineGALAXIEme.myself.u |
April 24, 2007
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hukhaireel hazim hezatch
![]() It was the second time for my history with the legend MTV.. my shout out was there in the Pop Inc. last month too...
MTV LIVE! featuring Good Charlotte will be air on 12th May 2007, C71 at 2100
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hukhaireel hazim hezatch
April 08, 2007
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Hmm.. Marriage is something difficult to be explaining on how risk it is and how long it is to be handle. To be in their shoes that already through those magical moments, ohh damn much great. I give a 110% salutes of respect to them. From now on, it’s getting harder to think what would be the biggest challenge to live in a family and to keep maintain all those happiness from the suspicious arguments we have before and of course, the financial problem will be totally mess up your smoothness of the tie that you knot before. Child will soon come. Your parent-in-law will make sure you do the best for their grandchild. Your mind keeps thinking for the house rent, the meals for your couple, and your work at office and those bills at the dining table. It seems like its easy enough to handle all those problems but will you energized enough to push all those unexpected difficulty? Imagine that your child’s crying at 4 in the morning while you have just sleep 3 hours before after solving your office work that you bring down to home. You wake up to see what’s happen in your baby’s room. Guest the child need to be exchange the diapers. You’ve changed it but he/she keep crying. You go downstairs to make a bottle of milk for him/her. Oh.. It would be much stress if your couple silent on the bed, selfish to look after the child, even to stare for sure. What a terrible night! Don’t you think it will be easily on the next morning? What happen if the child keep crying and crying but you don’t know what the solution is? Ill? Or maybe they want something to make them laughing? Huh.. That’s a lot of problem there! The most things that you are taking into seriously in this matter is the communication between you and your pair. You must try to keep positive at all time and to keep telling the truth about all the things that happen. Pursue the marriage at the comfort zone at all time, plus you may expose something new for your partner every day. Make them knew you better no matter its good or bad, as long you know you honest in this relationship. Make decision by two thought, and maintain the principle of ‘win win’ and you may find the best in every little part of the memory. All those words in this post, I exclusively delivered to my dearest friend, Erni Hayati. May bless be with you and hubby along your marriage, my dear! Sorry that I can’t make it there that day... But I am truly deeply madly, salutes on you both for the dedication and the trustiness on each other to make marriage a simple little thing to you. Uwaahh.. want to cry, liao.. To all my friend in SMTI, I miz u all in every of my breath! C ya in July!
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hukhaireel hazim hezatch
April 05, 2007
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Serius, hari ni mmg pnat gile sbb leh katakn aku dpt tido around 4 hours a day since the last 3 days. sume sbb those craziest subject eva, I.Project! huwaa it's kinda out of my mind when d sem started last 2 month n now i'm preparing my self 4 d exam again! watdafuck! all my energy are getting low, my moral down.. even now i'm not energized enuf to continue wif this blog... till tommorow guys.. gonna have smoke, n take my sleep along to my bed.. chow!
ukiran oleh
hukhaireel hazim hezatch
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